Basic Whole Wheat Pasta

This is my recipe for a basic whole wheat pasta.
I always choose Whole Wheat pasta because 
 whole grains always take longer for your body to digest.  

You want to eat wheat in its natural state, not the "Enriched" state of most store bought breads and pastas.  You want your body to work at breaking down food because that is the way your body was designed.  No Simple Sugars here!

I chose to use this as the dough for the shell of my Pumpkin Rosemary Pierogies.  However, you may use this in any application where pasta is appropriate (i.e.: Ravioli, Gnocchi, Spaghetti etc.) 

If you have a pasta maker attachment for your standup mixer, 
it is especially easy to make your own pasta.  
KitchenAid (of course!) makes a great one.  


    2 cups whole wheat flour
    1/2 tsp salt
    1/3 cup luke warn water
    2 large eggs ,beaten and room temperature

Beat two whole eggs and set them aside in a small bowl.
In a mixing bowl (preferably in a stand up mixer with a dough hook) combine the salt, egg, and water.

Slowly add the whole wheat flour until all of the flour is moist. Continue to mix until it becomes one solid mass.

Remove the dough and knead it until all of the ingredients take the form of a smooth ball of dough. The texture should be dense, but not dry. It will not bounce back to your touch since there is nothing in this dough to make it rise.

Set aside the dough for 10 minutes up to 1 hour, at room temperature in a covered bowl. It needs time to settle.

I chose to make Pierogies by flattening out the dough VERY thin, and cutting circles of 6" in diameter. You may use this pasta in ANY other way you prefer. I used my remnants to make spaghetti with my pastamaker attachment to my mixer.

Serving Size: Makes 25 servings of Pierogie shells

Bon AppeTWEET,
